Given the impact of overweight and obesity on rates of noncommunicable disease and costs to healthcare systems and productivity, there is an urgent need for public health programs and policies to help increase healthy eating and reduce sedentary behaviour. Population monitoring studies show that rates of overweight and obesity are at concerning levels globally.

Findings support the need for policies that will reach identified at-risk groups (e.g., increased regulation of the marketing and sale of energy drinks), as well as suggest opportunities for interventions targeting energy drink consumption alongside other unhealthy dietary behaviours. While most Australian adolescents do not consume energy drinks, regular consumption is more prevalent among males, and consumption appears to cluster with other unhealthy dietary behaviours and short sleep duration. There was no independent association with other sociodemographic characteristics (i.e., year level, level of disadvantage, geographic location), consumption of vegetables and fruit, physical activity level, or sedentary recreational screen time. Regular consumption of energy drinks was independently associated with being male, having greater weekly spending money, high intakes of snack foods, fast food, other sugar-sweetened beverages and fruit juice, as well as short sleep duration. A further 16% indicated they consume less than one cup per week of these types of drinks, while around three-quarters (76%) reported they do not consume energy drinks. Overall, 8% of students reported consuming energy drinks on a weekly basis (‘regular consumers’). A multilevel logistic regression model was used to examine associations between energy drink consumption and sociodemographic and behavioural factors. Within the school setting, students self-completed an online questionnaire assessing their dietary, physical activity and sedentary behaviours.

A multistage stratified random sampling procedure was used. Participants were 8942 students in Years 8 to 11 (aged 12 to 17 years) who participated in the 2018 National Secondary Students’ Diet and Activity (NaSSDA) cross-sectional survey. The current study aimed to examine patterns in consumption of energy drinks among Australian secondary school students and identify sociodemographic and behavioural correlates associated with regular consumption. Despite this, marketing of energy drinks is often directed at adolescents, and there are no age restrictions on the sale of these products in Australia. Non-alcoholic energy drinks (‘energy drinks’) are high in sugar, as well as caffeine, leading to concerns regarding their suitability for children and adolescents.