Your product cannot feature betting or gambling functionality.
To monetize your product, you must abide by the following: You must make sure its description and metadata are kept up to date with the current version of your product.
If your product serves players, you must register it with us regardless of whether or not your product uses official documented APIs. Riot Games and all associated properties are trademarks or registered trademarks of Riot Games, Inc
is not endorsed by Riot Games and does not reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing Riot Games properties. You must post the following legal boilerplate to your product in a location that is readily visible to players:. Example: Using Riot logos and trademarks from the Press Kit must be limited to cases where such use is unavoidable in order to serve the core value of the product. Only the following Riot IP assets may be used in the development and marketing of your product:. Products cannot closely resemble Riot’s games or products in style or function. No apps serving as a “data broker” between our API and another third-party company. Do not create or develop games utilizing Riot’s Intellectual Property (IP). When developing using the API, you must abide by the following:
Developers must adhere to policy changes as they arise. Before you begin, read through the Terms of Use and Legal Notices.